Investigation: Inside Maiduguri Juvenile Sex Trade

Early in the morning, categories of women from different parts of Maiduguri, the capital of Borno State, are lured to the Shagari Low-cost area in droves for various businesses.

First are grasshopper vendors who go very early to buy the insects from young men that hunt them from bushes around Nigeria, Chad, Niger, and Cameroon.

In the evening, the atmosphere changes as young girls, mostly teenagers, and different kinds of men take over the busy area for the sex trade.

An investigation by Daily Trust Saturday revealed how these night visitors – uniformed men and even the elderly – troop to the place to take advantage of underage girls and other young prostitutes.

Daily Trust Saturday reports that brothels, beer parlours, and suya spots are spread across every nook and cranny of the streets, while prostitutes and drug dealers abound.

Intoxicated girls looking for sex partners and their clients are mostly seen at dark corners of the area while others walk around to attract patronage.

A short man with a potbelly that hangs on top of his trousers was among the many clients of the underage sex girls.

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Ifah Sunday Ele
Ifah Sunday Ele
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